
Showing posts from April, 2020

Singapore Seemed to Have Coronavirus Under Control, Until Cases Doubled

The New York Times, April 20, 2020 "Singapore did almost everything right. After recording its first coronavirus case on Jan. 23, the prosperous city-state meticulously traced the close contacts of every infected patient, while keeping a sense of normalcy on its streets. Borders were shut to populations likely to carry the contagion, although businesses stayed open. Ample testing and treatment were free for residents. But over the past few days, Singapore’s coronavirus caseload has more than doubled, with more than 8,000 cases confirmed as of Monday, the highest in Southeast Asia. Most of the new infections are within crowded dormitories where migrant laborers live, unnoticed by many of the country’s richer residents and, it turns out, the government itself."

Plotting Canada, U.S, and Italy's Wuhan virus bell curves

First, the curves as I plotted them with the data to April 3rd, 2020, just about a week ago: I expected Canada to peak around April 12th, with an 'exit' around May 16th,2020 I expected Italy to have peaked around April 26th, 2020, with an 'exit' around April 26th. I expected the U.S to peak around April 13th, 2020, with an 'exit' around May 14th I think the projections for the U.S and Canada might have been done without sufficient data; the 4 point polynomial projection did not hit the 0 on y-axis and, as a result, I had just extended the data based on the assumption of peak. From now on, I will wait to call for an exit date and peak until the curve hits 0 on the y-axis. With the new data points of the past few days, I assessed that Canada's new cases have peaked on April 6th, and that the 'exit' is now around the 1st of May 2020, about 2 weeks earlier than my previous forecast. It obviously does not mean that it is the date when

Assessment from the IMF on the world economic impact of the Wuhan virus

" Where We Stand: the Status of the Global Economy First, let’s look at where we stand. We are still faced with extraordinary uncertainty about the depth and duration of this crisis. It is already clear, however, that global growth will turn sharply negative in 2020, as you will see in our World Economic Outlook next week. In fact, we anticipate the worst economic fallout since the Great Depression. Just three months ago, we expected positive per capita income growth in over 160 of our member countries in 2020. Today, that number has been turned on its head: we now project that over 170 countries will experience negative per capita income growth this year. The bleak outlook applies to advanced and developing economies alike. This crisis knows no boundaries. Everybody hurts. Given the necessary containment measures to slow the spread of the virus, the world economy is taking a substantial hit. This is especially true for retail, hospitality, transport, and tourism. In mo

Hijacking my own blog!

Ok, I'm putting stuff back here to track mostly for myself. Won't be in French anymore and not necessarily about Hong Kong ...